Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Strategies for learning and performance support: a summary

Strategies for learning and performance support: a summary

Clive writes: "To wrap up this series of posts on strategies for learning and performance support, here’s a summary of the characteristics of each."

You can click back to the original posts via the keywords at the top of each column.

This blog is well worth a follow.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Digital Literacy Tour

Digital Literacy Tour:

Google writes:

"At Google, we support the education of families on how to stay safe online. That's why we've teamed up with online safety organization iKeepSafe to develop curriculum that educators can use in the classroom to teach what it means to be a responsible online citizen."

My comments:

I think I have listed this resource in a previous digital literacy or tools post. It is such a comprehensive resource, it is worth revisiting.

I have found it worthwhile signing up to the iKeepSafe newsletter also.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Girls think they are cleverer than boys from age four, study finds | Education | The Guardian

Girls think they are cleverer than boys from age four, study finds Education The Guardian

The article states:

The study – Gender Expectations and Stereotype Threat – will be presented to the British Educational Research Association's conference tomorrow.
The paper argues that teachers have lower expectations of boys than of girls and this belief fulfils itself throughout primary and secondary school.
Girls' performance at school may be boosted by what they perceive to be their teachers' belief that they will achieve higher results and be more conscientious than boys, the academics claim. Boys may underachieve because they pick up on teachers' assumptions that they will obtain lower results than girls and have less drive."

With just a cursory glance this research warrants a good think by educators and parents.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Project-Based Learning Strategies and Research for Educators

Project-Based Learning Strategies and Research for Educators

I have noticed over the last short time, many DET types on Twitter and Yammer looking at the features of PBL to improve learning and teaching outcomes.

Thinking I might rediscover my collection of online links for this topic, collected when I was teaching.

I am thinking also that it is still all about thinking.

Online dictionaries: which is best? | Books | The Guardian

Online dictionaries: which is best? Books The Guardian

I haven't done a Share to blogger for ages.

This is a useful article to start with.

I still have my collection of dictionaries of all vintages back to the 60s and earlier if I add those collected by my parents.

Hard to part with, really.