Sunday, 18 April 2010

Teaching and Learning in a Digital World (2)

This post is a bit of a mish-mash of links on topics that I feel are linked to this braod issue.

Effective teaching and learning - quick start guides provide an introduction to a range of practices.

Report from the learning and the brain conference

Teachers are learners too - an interesting blog post.

Transforming Learning ... No, Really an interesting post by Will Richardson.

Adobe Creative Commons resources released after the recent Adobe Leaders Conference.

Paul Wilson prezi for a School Development Day provides inspiration for teachers to update their practice.

Our children telling us how they want to learn
. Links to the recent Kaiser Foundation Report.

An initiative from Calgary, Canada: High schools aim to have every pupil using a laptop

Classroom set-up tool another interactive from Scholastic.

"Wolfram|Alpha is a free online computational knowledge engine that generates answers to questions in real time by doing computations on its own vast internal knowledge base."
Check out the educators page.

The issue of who leads with school libraries

Teaching only to where the teacher feels comfortable.

Social networking in schools - benefits v risks

Check the hype - there's no such thing as "cyber"

I have put this post together over time.  Please let me know of any dead links.

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