Friday, 9 July 2010

Presenting to the Office of Schools Conference - Engaging learners through innovative practice.

Darcy Moore has put together his presentation for feedback.

My thoughts:
Great prezi, Darcy!  Lots of useful in and out of class ideas. 
It is difficult to know how to pitch to a conference where the composition of the audience is not known.

Your "pitch" will strike chords with many people, since they will love the SRC and various activist ideas.

I would love to be in a high school at the moment, having blogED, DER devices and so on to work with. What an incredibly exciting time, it is!

I would aim to:
  • engage each teacher in the context of their teaching passion, their subjects.
  • offer generic and subject-unique quality teaching strategies
  • run refresher-sessions on literacy and numeracy teaching at the subject level so that teachers...
  • scaffold student writing [daily] using a range of text types and the blogED tool
  • assist teachers to use the blogED learning tool to get students to plan, read, write, reflect [post] on their learning in each subject
I will keep thinking about this, since the success of the Learning Tools project will be a significant achievement for public education in NSW.

More from the conference lead-up:
Bianca Hewes and Troy Martin have prepared a deck on SlideShare: DER Leadership: A Genuine Learning Revolution.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your feedback, Elaine! Hopefully people find the presentation stimulating.
