Harsh .. maybe not.
It's about time, isn't it, that we all in education started mostly talking about getting with it rather than how to get around things that are new and a little "challenging" to our dearly held beliefs and current practices.
I am ready to say, enough!
On leadership: simply, lead or leave. It is more than being aware of the latest quality teaching principles and practices, especially in the context of the latest online social media learning tools. If you don't know and don't practise use of these interactives, websites and tools, then forget it. This is not an area that can wisely be left to others, no matter how much that method appeals.
On mobiles and mlearning: The mobile phone in all it new forms and with all the potential for valid, engaging and fulfilling learning must be used by educators for 24/7 learning. Laptops, netbooks, notebooks, it's just marking time and delaying the inevitable.
Signup, login: What are the implications for us and our students if we are guiding them to signup for accounts at multiple web sites? Are we asking parents for permission? The situation is critical for under 13 and not without danger for under 18.
New tools, applications: Have you seen or used this ....? I still read this frequently on Twitter and I am occasionally still tempted. But, I have concluded enough is enough. I cannot adequately attend to my presence on any more networks. I have accounts and abandoned "real estate" on so many networks, I sometimes worry about squatters.
Widgets: Why do we need them? When I first started my "digital learning journey", I set up an igoogle page as my lanuchpad. I enjoyed exploring and changing the widgets and gadgets on my pages. If I were still a classroom teacher, I would continue to identify practical learning uses for these little apps. I can see now it is easy to be distracted by them too. You will see the gadgets I have limited myself to on this blog.
I will be back to complete the rest ...
no picture
protected content
teens skills and getting their attention
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