Sunday, 7 February 2010

My January Learning 2010 - Reflection on Productivity

During January 2010, I produced 75 posts.

The flurry of literary and digital activity actually began when I started holidays on 18 December. First I finished a couple of "draft" posts that I had in the pipeline for a couple of months. Too busy to get it together.

My January posts consisted of :
  1. Blog This! links to useful articles and posts.
  2. Various reflections - mine and others.
  3. Thoughts on effective teaching and professional learning
  4. The language we use and words I would like to avoid
  5. Several series of posts:
  • DERNSW- laptops for learning and "i" devices,
  • My School - improving achievement at home and around the world
  • IWB and related technology
I was pleased with what I achieved and will make a review of each month's learning a feature of my work.

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