Saturday, 1 November 2008

E-Learning Journeys: What have you signed up for this week?

E-Learning Journeys: What have you signed up for this week?:

Julie Lindsay wrote in her blog:
"A recent conversation with colleagues at school has prompted this post. They were concerned that there are just 'too many' things to sign can one person cope with it all? ...what is the relevance to everyday classroom education and life as an educator? How can you remember all the passwords and login information?"

This is a topic dear to my heart, so I commented:
This is a very important topic. I can understand how teachers new to web2.0 tools feel. I have signed up to stacks of applications. I regularly use about 5 and I visit 2/3 occasionally.
The user name and password issue is also a big one from the security angle.
Recently, I signed up to edmodo also. I think this one has lot of potential. I also wasn't sure about how to invite people, but I have used the code with one person and plan to try more. I have shared the tool with others, who are also enthusiastic.
I also signed up to some utterli groups. Harder for me to sustain that activity.
I am very reluctant to sign up to new things now, since I know I can't manage any more connections.

Visit Julie's blog, read her tips and sign up for the feed. She is doing wonderful work in so many contexts.

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