Sunday, 20 July 2008

Reflecting on my DIY Holiday Learning 2.0. Part 1-The Beginning

I took up my login of last year, and finally started on Twitter. I will never be the same again.

Since then I have tweeted many times. I need to find that piece of data.
I follow 182 and am being followed by 75. Sounds a little scary doesn't it?
I am very taken by this micro-blogging, UGC as a PLE with a ready-made and dynamic PLN.

In these always-on, anyone 2.0 'spheres, 'spaces and 'verses, you can be constantly tweeting with learning professionals, of your choosing across the world !

I must say I never thought I'd talk about "tweeting". The combination and variations of "bird words" make for fun!

Prior to learning about the Google gadget BeTwittered and TweetDeck at around the same time, I could not imagine what could be gained for MY learning by being on Twitter.

Part 2-Setting up for DYI learning in the Twittersphere.

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