Wednesday, 1 October 2008

The Educational Technology Site: ICT in Education: --> What makes a good list?

The Educational Technology Site: ICT in Education:
What makes a good list?:

Terry Freedman wrote:

"Every so often another 'top X' list hits the blogosphere in general, or the edublogosphere in particular. But are these lists even worth bothering to read?"

My comments:
I have enjoyed all the lists I have been pointed at through posts, email, Twitter etc.
I am just happy that someone made the effort to identify and collate.
Most lists I have looked at over the last year or so, have in fact assisted my professional learning and have vastly reduced the time I would have had to search to do the same myself.
Congratulations to all the list compilers in the many 'spheres and 'verses, I move in.

Read his full post. What do you think?

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