Friday, 10 October 2008

Twitter, ICT and Professional Respect at Conferences « On an e-journey with generation Y

Twitter, ICT and Professional Respect at Conferences « On an e-journey with generation Y:

Anne Mirtschin wrote:
"This post is in response to some of the negativity and complaints about the use of laptops, lack of professional respect and twitter at the recent ACEC08 conference, which has appeared as a thread on one of my mailing lists. When attending the ACEC08 conference, I was guilty both of using my laptop and sending tweets over twitter."
She continues with her reasons and:

"The absolute power of interactivity and the use of web2.0 tools should not be blocked. Conference participants do need to be mindful of digital citizenship and potential outcomes of online negativity. The nature of our world, our classroom and professional development is changing."

I commented:
Great post, that encapsulates the essence of people's angst in changing times. Funny/sad that people at a computing conference would complain about a colleague's use of what is considered cutting edge interactive, collaborative technology.
You at least were there in person to also interact F2F.
I am thinking with all the tools and willing people like you and many others to share in situ, the time for actually attending a conference in the flesh may be quickly coming to an end.
Although a real time lunch may still do the trick for me.

Go and read Anne's full post and make a comment. I think I could feel guilty that for the recent NOW Conference during one session, I used the chat facility, wrote on the whiteboard, put comments into the relevant conference ning and did one tweet.
Was I was rude, I can't see it but maybe I have yet to be told.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting further on this issue. I think the backchat, twitter, keying in notes, checking url's immediately is now just part of the 'norm' for those of us who use web2.0.
    Those who dont, are yet to experience the changes in a fabulous new way of learning, sharing and collaborating. New protocols and manners will develop as this technology continues to develop.
