Thursday, 15 January 2009

49 Amazing Social Media, Web 2.0 And Internet Stats

49 Amazing Social Media, Web 2.0 And Internet Stats:

Interesting set of statistics compiled by Adam Singer on the TheFutureBuzz blog:

"As our digital and physical lives blur further, the internet has become the information hub where people spend a majority of their time learning, playing and communicating with others globally.

Sometimes it is easy to get lose sight of just how staggering the numbers are of people collaborating, researching, and interacting on the web.

I thought it might be fun to take a step back and look at some interesting/amazing social media, Web 2.0, crowdsourcing and internet statistics. I tried to find stats that are the most up-to-date as possible at the time of publishing this post."

The size of some of these numbers is phenomenal. I hope the use of google search and blogs for instances is translating into real learning outcomes for all users.

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