Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Another techy start to the day

As my holidays move towards an end, a final "techy start" post seems appropriate. I began this process on January 9 and continued on January 16. It was an easy process since I just jumped out of Google Reader after skimming 500+ links onto my igoogle page and started writing in the Blogger widget. What could be easier?

I think as I am doing a leisurely check of all my infosources, that it doesn't take all that long to catch up with global learning news. What is important to this process is to have a streamlined process and a reliable set of tools to maximise the quality and clear focus of information delivered to you.

I rely on my:
  • google alerts
  • SlideShare finds that I star on Google Reader and that I either favourite or add to one of my SlideShare groups. The most popular one is: web 2.0 tools for effective teaching
  • email newsletters from professional organisations
  • Twitter PLN
I favourite web2.0, social media and relevant T&L articles, links etc. I also dip into the world of enterprise2.0 and new media marketing and advertising. These areas bring a wealth of insights and into cutting edge views on communication, participation, innovation and visual thinking.

I am always on the look-out for new, stimulating sources of forward thinking.

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