Friday, 15 January 2010

Learning across the World (1) - Exploring Education Practice

Over the last two months, I have been revisiting UK and more recently Scotland LEAs, just to keep up with the latest in curriculum and teaching practice.

You can go back and check out my posts on this, to explore the links yourself.

Now, after about a year's break, I am ready to revisit all the State Education Departments in the USA, that takes a while.

I am just up to Colorado. I am amazed at how much is new. New websites, ne thinking, new teaching practices and resources.

I am going to enjoy this!

US State Education Agency (State Department of Education)

At the same time, I plan to do a quick tour of Australian education across each State system. Again, just to keep up. A lot has happened with the Digital Education Revolution over the last 2 years and many states were putting their own interesting change programs in place

A Work in Progress.

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